About Us

Industry sectors

Astrimar’s reliability engineering and assurance expertise can add value, in targeting higher efficiencies and protecting client reputation irrespective of the industry

The provision of engineered solutions, reliability engineering, technology qualification and technical risk management are applicable across many different markets, sectors and technologies.  As experienced engineers working alongside our clients we are quickly able to adapt our knowledge to provide added value to our clients' specific technical challenges. The sectors where our experience is greatest include the following:


Our consultants and engineers have been developing engineered solutions and applying reliability engineering best practice for 15-20 years with sound experience in engineering design, analysis, reliability engineering and technology qualification to meet the industry’s changing needs for drilling, production and intervention technologies.

Oil and gas:

We provide support from design through operation, life extension and decommissioning to drive production efficiency and long-term integrity, developing engineered solutions and applying reliability engineering to prevent failure and increase efficiency of interventions.


We support the prevention or pre-emption of critical failures within energy distribution networks including preparedness response planning, design and qualification of novel repair and intervention technologies, and analysis of monitoring data to predict and respond to failure causes and mechanisms.

Well P&A:

Our consultants support the design of challenging well P&A systems using a risk-based approach to evaluate barrier configurations including cement and more novel materials requiring qualification evidence.

Offshore wind: 

Our specialist reliability engineers can help operators to optimise availability and power generation through analysis of online monitoring data to recognised and predict failure and the selection of cost-effective risk-based maintenance strategies.  

Net zero: 

Our expertise in technology qualification, asset management and innovative risk-based prediction software provides crucial support in all sectors for developing technologies to reduce operational carbon emissions, repurposing existing infrastructure, and developing CCUS and hydrogen production and distribution solutions.

New markets:

If you have a challenge in an area outside of these, we would still love to hear from you, and discuss how we may be able to help to understand and manage your challenges through new perspectives and cross-sector improvements.