
Reliability Best Practice

Astrimar provides corporate support to operators and contractors to develop and implement reliability engineering and management practices.

Astrimar supports clients in the development and implementation of their own reliability and risk management processes using best practice and aligning with industry guidance, such as that incorporated in API RP 17N, the EI Integrity Management Guidelines and ISO 20815.  We help our clients integrate system reliability, system design and operations to deliver highly reliable solutions, adding value to their business.

We believe that reliability is an important input to both design and integrity management, to drive down the potential for failure throughout life.  It is not just a measured output once the design is complete.

Astrimar uses the Define-Plan-Implement-Evaluate-Feedback cycle as a basis for reliability, integrity or technology assurance for projects and operations.

  • Defining goals and requirements
  • Creating consistent plans to achieve them
  • Implementing activities to generate traceable assurance evidence
  • Evaluating the results against requirements
  • Providing feedback and assurance of achievements

Our support continues beyond the definition of company practice into training, roll-out and ongoing coaching to ensure value to the company is maximised at every stage in the lifecycle. As part of this we can provide:

  • Assessment of existing company processes to identify gaps in alignment with industry best practice
  • Creation of company technical practices and guidance documents
  • Development of bespoke tools and templates to support engineers implementing the technical practices
  • More detailed training courses for engineers implementing the technical practices
  • Ongoing review and audit of reliability and risk management implementation, at a corporate level, within design projects, and across the supply chain

Astrimar's consultants have developed a Reliability Capability Maturity Model (RCMM) for auditing the capability of equipment vendors and contractors to undertake reliability engineering in projects and deliver reliable products and services.  Our approach is always to look for opportunities to provide positive feedback, with recommendations to support continuous improvement of the company in delivery of reliable products and services.  
